August 26 - 28, 2024
8 AM - 4 PM Pacific

Thank you for your desire to be a speaker at the Top Talent Joint Venture Mastermind

This is a virtual event. If you have not yet registered, please do so at Top Talent JV Mastermind

Please note: This is not just a speaking event. There will be breakout rooms and networking.  You will have the opportunity to connect directly with other participants. We may also call upon you to share at other than your speaking time. We like to highlight people. If you are not able to be present for more than your allocated time, perhaps this event is not a match for you. Please let me know.

As you may imagine, we have a huge number of people who would love to speak, and limited time for speakers. To help us make decisions about who will speak, we are gathering some information.

Please complete this application, and, as we get closer to the event, we'll let you know of the board's decisions.

What you are known for. What you do. Title. When you register, take a look at other speakers to get an idea. MAXIMUM of five words.
What makes you an expert on this topic?
0 of 850
Full name


Phone (not for publication)
Your website
Size of mailing list
Social media reach
If selected, what would you do to promote the program?
0 of 2500
Here are two options for speaking for free. We'll need your bio to introduce you for either of these. Again – There is no fee for either of these. We'll need your bio no matter what.
We'll introduce you and you will have the stage for 10 minutes.
We'll introduce you and interview you for 15 minutes
In the event you opt for the interview, what are four questions you would like to be asked? Know, we may ask different questions.

Question one
0 of 2500
Question two
0 of 2500
Question three
0 of 2500
Question four
0 of 2500
0 of 2500
While this is not a selling platform, you will have the opportunity to offer the audience a gift, or a giveaway, or make an offer, if you wish.

If you have such a gift, giveaway, or offer, what is the name of it?
URL of your gift or giveaway
Additional comments
0 of 2500
I understand this is a strategic alliance event, and there will be a percentage of revenue generated from my particpation paid to Top Talent Agency. Details to be discussed.
I understand and agree
We are offering an opportunity for additional speaking time and for you to be highlighted and promoted. Let me know your interest in these and we'll talk about it. 
5000 for 30 minutes
10,000 for 60 minutes, which includes having you featured in the media as well as email blasts featuring you as a speaker at this event.
How do you feel about being on our mailing list, so you can know what we are up to at the Top Talent Agency, as well as other programs?
Yes, please add me to your mailing list.
No thank you. I prefer not to be on your mailing list.
I'm already on your mailing list.