Dr. Richard Kaye – Recipient of the White House Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award
Thank you for requesting those seven "magial" words. These words will give you the potential to increase what you get paid, or decrease what you pay for something.
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What you'll get when you make the investment in yourself to own The Secrets of Empowering Negotiation . . .
You'll receive access to 44 MP3's and a downloadable, indexed PDF, activity guide; a companion to the program segments.
The segments you'll get include . . .
Being nice
Hot potato
Sound bites
Have a seat
Cash is king
Funny Money
Trial balloons
Fait accompli
Who’s on first
Body language
Higher authority
Feel, felt, found
Paying attention
Hidden meanings
What did he say?
Cost versus value
Good-guy; bad-guy
Common courtesies
What’s on the table
It just makes sense
Agree, agree, agree
Is this a good time?
Where do you meet?
If it’s not a good time
Guttenberg was right
Withdrawing the offer
$25,000 versus 24,997
Who writes the contract
I’ve got to think about it
Dollars are in a discount
Matchmaker, matchmaker
Outgoing phone messages
The reason for the discount
You’ll have to do better than that
What’s the best price you can get?
Another reason to use the word dollars
Know when to hold ‘em, and know when to fold ‘em
The Secrets of Empowering Negotiation
My Life's Work