What are you currently doing to secure publicity for yourself?
Are you happy with the publicity you are getting?
If you have a published book, do you own the rights to it?
If you have a published book, on a scale of 0 - 10, how happy are you with the performance of the book?
A book is an outstanding way to secure publicity; would you write it yourself or require ghostwriting?
Speaking on live stages is a great way to achieve publicity, have you spoken on live stages?
If yes, provide some information about them, please.
If you have spoken on live stages, what is your signature talk (or talks!) about?
Have you had media training?
Have you been featured in magazines?
If you've been featured in magazines, tell us a bit about it.
Have you been featured in newspapers?
If you've been featued in the newespapers, tell us a bit about it.
Would you be interested in being interviewed at the Nasdaq studios in New York and having the interview aired on Bloomberg, NewsMax, and Fox Business, three times, with photo shoot and backstage video clips, plus NYC Times Square billboard ad time.
What else would you like for us to know before we talk?